The To LLP component sends messages to a port using the LLP protocol. It receives data from an upstream component.
Running the Component
The below steps assume an existing port is available to connect to and the necessary firewall permissions are in place on the client and server.
STEP 1: Import the To LLP component
Using +COMPONENT, import the To LLP component. Since it is a destination component, you will need to Edit Connections to link it to a source component that will push it data to send to the server port.
STEP 2: Set up the component configurations
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Connection Configurations:
Field | Description | Default Value |
Host * | The IP address or domain name of the target machine. |
Port * | The port number of the target machine. |
PersistentConnection * | Whether or not to persistently connect to the remote host. |
AttemptToReconnect * | Try to reconnect if the connection is lost. Options are |
ReconnectLimit | Number of reconnect attempts to try if |
ReconnectInterval | Length of pause between reconnect attempts in seconds. |
EnableSSL | Enable to receive messages securely using SSL. |
SSLCaFile | Path to Certificate Authority File. If path is blank, Verify Peer will be disabled. If path is entered, Verify Peer will be enabled. |
Message Configurations:
Field | Description | Default Value |
MessageEncoding * | The encoding used in the input data. If left blank, encoding will be updated to the default according to OS. See Supported File Encodings. |
LLPPrefix * | Prefix to use in LLP data. Should be in the form of an escaped hex value. |
LLPSuffix * | Suffix to use in LLP data. Should be in the form of an escaped hex value. |
ACK Configurations:
Field | Description | Default Value |
WaitForAck * | Wait for an ACK before sending the next message. If false, all settings below are ignored. |
AckTimeout | Number of seconds to wait for an ACK. |
UnlimitedResend | Resend the data unlimited times until ACK is received. |
ResendAttempts | Number of attempts to resend data until ACK is received. |
DisconnectBetweenResend | Disconnect from the server between resend attempts. |
AckErrorHandling | Error handling option if ACK is not received. Options: Stop the component. Skip the message. |
STEP 3: Start the component and verify data is being received on target server
Start the component.
Once inbound data is processed, check that the target server is receiving the data as expected.
Adapting the Component
There are a few ways you can adapt and expand this component for more complex workflows:
ACK Verification
By default, the To LLP component assumes that an ACK received from the target server is valid and verification is not needed. In some cases, additional ACK verification may be required.
Logic can be added to the ACKverify function to verify the ACK data. The function should return true/false based on the result of the verification.